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Home Overview LightPDF flash PDF file editing tool software
LightPDF flash PDF file editing tool software
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LightPDF flash PDF file editing tool software
LightPDF Flash PDF provides users with a user-friendly interface and diverse PDF editing functions. You can easily edit text/charts, compress PDFs, add images, text, watermarks, and manage PDF pages using it. There are many benefits for both individual and corporate users.
Lifetime 3 Years 1 Year
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{{ info.advancePromotion.title }}
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{{ item.spec_desc }}
{{ item.user.nickname }} In {{ item.created_at }} Start Still need {{ item.left_count }}x Pending Group Buying, some users have not paid

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1、Activity time:{{ info.groupon.start_at }} ~ {{ info.groupon.end_at }}。

2、Validity period of the Group Buying:{{ info.groupon.expire_days * 24 }} hours。

3、Number of Group Buying:{{ info.groupon.need_count }}x。

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3、The number of people required and the time of the event may vary among different products. Please pay attention to the rules of the event.

LightPDF flash PDF file editing tool software

LightPDF flash PDF file editing tool software

3 Years
1 Year
{{ info.sku.spec_desc }}

{{ item.name }}

{{ item.rate }}
{{ sku.spec_desc }}
{{ item.sku.spec_desc }}
{{ selectedCombos.count }} items
Selected  {{ selectedCombos.count }}  items,Add to cart
{{ item }} ({{ app.qa.questionsData.total }})

轻闪 PDF 编辑


  1. PDF 转 Word

准确地将 PDF 转换为可编辑的 Word

  1. 文档对话智能驱动


  1. PDF 编辑


  1. OCR 识别

轻松提取 PDF 扫描件或图像中的文本

  1. 压缩 PDF

在不降低清晰度的情况下减小 PDF 文件大小

  1. PDF合并

将多个 PDF 文件合并为一个文档

  1. 轻松在线编辑PDF文件


  1. 完成 PDF 多种格式转换

我们支持多种文档格式:Word、PPT、Excel、JPG、PNG等。您可以使用轻闪 PDF(LightPDF)解决PDF与常见文档格式互相转换问题。转换速度快,质量高,并保持原来的布局以及排版不变,并保证上传文档的安全,是您选择PDF转换工具的最佳选择。

  1. OCR文字识别功能

OCR 功能可以智能识别图片或者扫描格式的PDF文件中的文字内容,OCR 可以将不能编辑的文本识别后转换成可以编辑的Word、PPT、TXT等格式。手机拍摄的图片内容也均可识别,这样平时工作学习之中,OCR 可以帮您解决很多文本识别的问题。

  1. 一站式PDF解决方案

我们提供的一站式 PDF 在线工具能够极大程度提高您的工作效率,支持PDF编辑、转换、压缩、合并、注释、添加水印或使用OCR识别等,为您节省时间和精力,提高工作效率。

LightPDF flash PDF file editing tool software LOGO

Official website:https://lightpdf.cn/

Download Center:https://lightpdf.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:24-hour automatic shipping

Operating platform:Windows、macOS、iOS、Android、Web

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Update and use during subscription period.

Pre purchase trial:Free version with limited functionality before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:You can log in to this account on multiple computers. However, you can only use this product on one computer at a time

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

reference material:https://lightpdf.cn/buy-vip

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